Tuesday, January 8


Ten days with the Germans went by so fast, I can't believe they're already gone. I wasn't sure what it would be like to meet Lizzy and Melchior for the first time, but I can honestly say I absolutely adore both of them. They're both hilarious, and they make such an adorable couple. It's nice when friends end up being better than you thought they were. 

On the last full day, the four of us went down to Seattle and spent the afternoon walking around, chain smoking, and shopping. Honestly, this is my cliché post about Seattle even though I live around there and it's not New York City or anything. Having Lizzy and Mel there really brought stuff to life; I'm so happy to have the memories of them being here. 

And of course, some new clothes help me to remember a little better. What did you do for New Years?

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